Using Charcoal to Clean 

Imagine being able to detox your air and water at home every day without any harsh chemicals. It may sound too good to be true, but that’s exactly what activated charcoal can do. Activated charcoal is a natural way to remove environmental toxins and it’s incredibly easy to use. When it comes to detoxing your […]

How to Choose the Best Candle (Wax, Wick, and Fragrance)

Candles are a wonderful way to add ambiance and atmosphere to any room. But did you know that some candles can actually be harmful to your health? That’s right—certain candles, when burned, can release unhealthy toxins into the air. Keep reading as I am going to show you how to choose the best candle by […]

The Different Types of Salt and Their Benefits

Most of us are familiar with the white, granular salt that we use to flavor our food. But did you know that there are actually other types of salt, each with its own unique benefits? Let’s take a closer look at some of the most popular types of salt and how they can benefit your […]

Pumpkin Muffins with Recipe

I love pumpkin. It is a good way to get my orange vegetables into my diet as it is full of beta carotene. Beta Carotene is anti inflammatory, boosts the immune system, protects eyesight and is great for the heart and skin. So you can feel good about making muffins out of pumpkin! Combine in […]

Infared Sauna Benefits

We all know what a sauna is. We will refer to them as traditional saunas. What makes the infrared sauna different is how the heat is used. In the traditional sauna, the air is heated up and you sweat due to the environment. With an infrared sauna, you sweat from the rays penetrating your body […]

BETRAYAL; Revenge or Just Let Go?

If I can give you a peek behind the scenes of my life, I have been floundering since I lost my national TV show last January. I have gone through many emotions from anger, revenge, depression and a sense of lost identity. Name all the bad emotions and I went through them! My history with […]

To Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle

I saw in the news last night that you just had your first son. My heart went out to you as I too, couldn’t fit into my jeans coming out of the hospital with my first son 33 years ago either. I was known for my figure and fashion sense and after having my son, […]