Salmon: Why You Need to Start Eating This Today

fresh salmon

If you’re looking for a delicious entree that’s also healthy, I’d like to recommend salmon if you haven’t tried it. It’s a pink fish with a buttery taste that people love. But there’s another reason to seek it out.

Talking to Yourself: How to be Happier Today

woman meditating

Self-talk is something most people do … including me! It’s how you communicate with yourself. Some people refer to it as the “inner voice.” This internal dialogue merges your conscious thoughts with ingrained beliefs and biases, forming an ongoing discussion within yourself throughout the day. And what you say matters.

The Truth About Stress and Your Body

stressed woman with head resting in hands

We all experience stress in some form or another. That’s no secret. But do you know how it impacts your body? You might be shocked and even stress out to discover how destructive it can be. And, hopefully, you’ll be inspired to keep your stress levels in check from now on.

Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease Now

man with heart and pulse rhythm

Heart disease has claimed the lives of countless men, and also women and for that reason, I want to highlight some ways to guard and protect your heart to keep it healthy and strong. After all, there are a lot of things you guys can do to strengthen your heart and lower your risk of heart disease. If you’re not familiar with these important facts, read this now to start reducing your chance of becoming another statistic.

5 Ways to Improve Your Immune System Now

healthy foods

Your body’s defense team is known as the immune system. Its job is to spot enemies like germs and abnormal cells, including cancerous ones. Once it finds them, it’s time for war and if it is “running correctly” it boots them out and keeps you healthy. This is a great reason to maintain or develop a strong immune system. Keep in mind that your body is always trying to heal itself and can work quite well if you give it the right tools; mainly nutrition. Here are 5 quick tips to boost yours starting today.

Oil Pulling

olive oil

Funny how things can seem new to you but when you research them, you find they have been around for years. This is true with oil pulling. Supposedly, it has been around before the toothbrush! Do you know what that is? It is using an edible oil in your mouth and swishing it around for […]

Food Poisoning

Have you ever suffered from food poisoning? I just had it and can’t blame a restaurant. I did it to myself! I left ground turkey out to defrost too long on my counter and decided I wasn’t hungry for that, so I actually put it back in the fridge and took it out the next […]

Streamlining Your Life

I believe a part of clean living is having less to worry about. Streamlining. To me this has always been a part of my life. I can’t have too many things going on at the same time, chaos at my house, drama with friends or clutter. I have learned that I function best when my […]

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Grapefruit seed extract is a natural substance has been gaining popularity over the years for its amazing health benefits – from helping with skin conditions to aiding digestion and providing antimicrobial protection – making it an ideal choice for both preventive maintenance and reactive care when needed. So why is using grapefruit seed extract beneficial? […]