
Many of you have heard of this popular herb. Echinacea is native to north America and was used 400 years ago by the Great Plains

Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System
Keeping your immune system strong is one of the best ways to stay healthy and ward off illnesses such as colds and flu. Luckily, there

Eggs, why do we refrigerate them here but not in Europe?
It may be something you have not thought of, but you know me.. I am always wondering why people do what they do. They don’t

Microwaves.. Have you ever thought they damage your food?
I read somewhere that Europe doesn’t allow microwaves to heat food. Ever since then, I gave my microwave oven the stink eye. After digging into

Silicone, is it safe in the kitchen?
You have heard me say many times to watch out for what a product does to you, NOT what the product does FOR you.. many

SUPERFOODS. What are they?
You may have heard the term superfoods before and you may have different ideas as to what a superfood is, and NO, it is NOT